Objective To summarize the surgical outcomes and clinical experience of surgical disease for patients having undergone orthotopic heart transplantation. Methods Five cardiac transplant recipients requiring surgical management clue to other surgical diseases including acute cholecystitis in 2 patients, acute appendicitis, bilateral mammary hypertrophy and lung tumor in 1 patients, respectively. The mean age of the entire group at the time of reoperation was 44.6 years (14-60 years) and the average time of operative procedures after transplant was 16.4 months (4-37 months). Four patients were treated with triple immunosuppression, including cyclosporine A (CsA) or taerolimus, myeophenolate mofetil and eortieosteroids, respectively. One patient received double-therapy of CsA and myeophenolate mofetil with early withdrawal of eortieosteroids. All the acute eholeeystitis and appendicitis patients underwent open eholeeysteetomy and appendectomy emergently. Reduction mammaplasty was performed on the bilateral mammary hypertrophy patients. For the lung tumor patient, right upper lobeetomy and nodes excision were undertaken radically after the sample proved to be malignancy by the thoraeoseopy. Closely surveillance at concentration of CsA or FK506 was performed eontinueously in order to adjust the effective blood concentration in a steady way by which acute rejection can be avoided. The pathways which pathogen organisms invading the human body were controlled strictly as well as intension on anti-infection treatment during perioperative period. Results Four patients discharged to home within 2 weeks. Only one patient needed further treatment in Digestive Department after emergent eholeeysteetomy due to gastric retention. And she was discharged after 66 days. No acute rejections or operative complications such as severe infection or bleeding were found during the perioperative period. The average length of stay was 21.3 days (8-66 days). During the follow-up from 1 month to 13 months, there was no relapse o
Chinese Journal of Clinical Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery
Cardiac transplantation