We numerically investigate the effect of four kinds of partial attacks of multiple targets on the Barabási Albert (BA) scale-free network and the Erdos-Rényi (ER) random network. Comparing with the effect of single target complete knockout we find that partial attacks of multiple targets may produce an effect higher than the complete knockout of a single target on both BA scale-free network and ER random network. We also find that the BA scale-free network seems to be more susceptible to multi-target partial attacks than the ER random network.
We numerically investigate the effect of four kinds of partial attacks of multiple targets on the Barabási Albert (BA) scale-free network and the Erdos-Rényi (ER) random network. Comparing with the effect of single target complete knockout we find that partial attacks of multiple targets may produce an effect higher than the complete knockout of a single target on both BA scale-free network and ER random network. We also find that the BA scale-free network seems to be more susceptible to multi-target partial attacks than the ER random network.
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos 10675048 and 10604017.