目的:探讨CELL-DYN 1700全自动血细胞计数仪溶血剂对各类肝病患者白细胞参数的影响。方法:采用CELL-DYN 1700全自动血细胞计数仪和手工法同时检测86例各类肝病患者白细胞参数并将结果数据进行统计学处理。结果:溶血剂对肝病患者白细胞参数的影响:对于WBC计数而言,溶血剂对各类肝病患者白细胞参数的均有不同程度的影响;对于WBC分类计数而言,除MID无差别外,其他均有显著性差别。结论:CELL-DYN 1700全自动血细胞计数仪溶血剂对肝病患者白细胞参数存在明显的影响,建议对此类患者采用手工计数和分类。
Objective This paper investigated the influence of the CELL-DYN 1700 automatic blood cell counter hemolytic agent to the blood cells parameters in the hepatic diseases. Methods With the CELL-DYN 1700 automatic blood cell counter and hand-made methods, the white blood cells ( WBC ) parameters of 86 hepatopaths were examined and the data were processed with statistics at the same time. Results The influence of the hemolytic agent to the WBC parameters in the hepatic disease is:for the WBC count,the hemolytic agent has the different degree influence to the WBC parameters of each kind of hepatopaths. For the WBC classified count, besides the MID indiscrimination, the other all shows the distinguished difference. Cofi- clusion The CELL-DYN 1700 automatic blood cell counter hemolytic agent has the clear influence to the blood cells paraments in the hepatic diseases ; so we suggest that the hand-made count and classification be used to this kind of patient.
Journal of Practical Medical Techniques
Hemolytic agent
The white blood cells parameters