This paper investigates the control and synchronization of hyperchaotic Chen system based on the passive theory. By using two outputs, novel passive controllers are respectively designed to realize the globally asymptotical stability of the hyperchaotic Chen system and the error dynamical system, which avoids mistakes in Ref.[11], where function W(z) cannot guarantee that fo(z) is globally asymptotically stable via only one output and W(z) is the Lyapunov function of f0(z). Furthermore, numerical simulations are given to show the effectiveness of our method.
This paper investigates the control and synchronization of hyperchaotic Chen system based on the passive theory. By using two outputs, novel passive controllers are respectively designed to realize the globally asymptotical stability of the hyperchaotic Chen system and the error dynamical system, which avoids mistakes in Ref.[11], where function W(z) cannot guarantee that fo(z) is globally asymptotically stable via only one output and W(z) is the Lyapunov function of f0(z). Furthermore, numerical simulations are given to show the effectiveness of our method.
Project supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos 60574045 and 70771084)