

Overlay Construction of P2PVOD Based on Time-slip
摘要 针对现有P2PVOD系统中因执行拖动操作的节点对索引服务器的完全依赖性而造成的索引服务器压力大、拖动请求响应时间长的问题,本文构造一种基于时间片的网络逻辑拓扑.构造该拓扑的基本思路:目标节目的播放时长等分为若干时间片;根据当前播放时间确定各个节点所处的时间片;基于节点的时间邻近度在处于相同时间片或不同时间片的节点之间建立逻辑关系,构成基于时间片的网络逻辑拓扑.在该拓扑中,执行了拖动操作的节点不再请求索引服务器,而是依据节点之间的逻辑关系及时间邻近度进行拖动后的拓扑重构,从而消除了对索引服务器的依赖.仿真实验表明,该拓扑结构有效提高了系统整体服务能力. To reduce tracker's huge stress and dragging peers' long waiting time after requesting the tracker,which are resulted from dragging peers' complete dependency on the tracker in p2P(peer-to-peer)VOD(video-on-demand) system,this paper con- structs an overlay, based on time-slip. The main idea of this construction is to equally divide the object program's play-time into several slips ,and define each peer's slip according to its playing-time,then make logic relationship between the peers within the same or the different slip by the adjacency of their playing-time. In the topology, the dragging peers reconstruct their logic topology basing on the relationship among peers and adjacency of their playing-time ,rather than on the tracker, to eliminate the dependency on the tracker. The simulation result shows that the system's serving performance has an obvious improvement.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2008年第1期26-30,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金重点项目(60433040)资助 中国下一代互联网示范工程CNGI2005年研究开发 产业化及应用试验项目(CNGI-04-12-2A CNGI-04-12-1D)资助
关键词 P2PVOD 时间邻近度 网络逻辑拓扑 peer-to-peer video-on-demand time adjacency overlay
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