The Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact-signed April 13, 1941-emerged amidst the tangled and tumultuous international relations of the 1930's. A classic imperialist treaty, the pact sacrificed China's sovereignty while supporting the international forces of anti-fascism. It also met the needs of both the Soviet Union and Japan, Japan eased the concerns of its northern border, expediting the decision to invade China and "head south". Coinciding with this and prior to Germany's all-out invasion of the Soviet Union, the Soviets had already begun to transfer a vast amount of troops from the East to the western part of the USSR with the intention of strengthening anti-German defenses. During the war, the Soviet eastern regions became an important source for replenishing strategic reserves. Overall, both Japan and the Soviet Union received substantial benefit from the Soviet-Japanese Neutrality Pact.
CPC History Studies