介绍了一种适用于Ad Hoc网络的基于簇的多信道媒体接入控制协议。在该协议中,整个网络被划分成使用不同频道的若干个簇,每个节点配置有3个独立的无线收发信机,由簇首节点负责簇的维持功能,由簇首和簇成员节点通过共同执行信道重配置算法来完成信道分配工作。仿真结果表明,该协议可以很好地适应网络拓扑结构的频繁变化,在充分利用多信道优势工作的同时,解决了普遍存在于多跳无线移动网络中的隐藏终端和暴露终端问题。
A cluster-based multi-channel medium access control protocol - named CMMA,is introduced for the mobile Ad Hoc networks. In this protocol, clusters are constructed with different channels, each node is configured with three independent wireless transceivers, cluster maintenance work is done by the cluster-head, and cluster-reconfiguration algorithm is executed by both cluster-head and member node to perform channel distribution .Simulation results prove that CMMA protocol has the ability to adapt to the dynamic network topology,.and can resolve the hidden and exposed terminal problems well at the same time.
Radio Engineering