目的:探讨影响散发性乳腺癌中乳腺癌易感基因(BRCA1)蛋白表达的因素与临床病理指标的相关性、方法:免疫组织化学SP法检测乳腺良性病变组织和散发性乳隙癌组织中BRCAl、ERa和HER-2的表达.收集患者临床资料,通过Spearman相关分析和校正的Peamson X^2检验进行统计分析结果:在良性乳腺病变组织中,BRCA1和ERα蛋白在细胞核的阳性表达率分别为100.0%(20/20)和80.0%(16/20).HER-2在细胞膜阳性表达率为15.0%(3/20);在散发性乳腺癌组织中。BRCA1和ERα蛋白在细胞核阳性表达率分别为57.5%(88/153)和64.1%(98/153),HER-2在细胞膜阳性表达率为34.0%(52/153);与良性乳腺病变组织比较.乳腺癌组织中BIICA1阳性表达率明显降低,差异显著(P〈0.05),ERα和HER-2表达率差异不显著(P〉0.05)蛋白表达相关分析及患者临床资料分析表明:BRCA1失表达与ERα失表达相关、与HER-2过表达相关.ERα失表达与HER-2过表达相关:在HER-2过表达、ERα失表达的癌组织中BRCA1失表达率最高;BRCA1失表达与患者高发病年龄、腋淋巴结转移相关.而与乳腺癌病理类型无明显相关结论:在散发性乳腺癌组织中。BRCA1蛋白失表达与ERα失表达、HER-2过表达、患者年龄较高及伴有腋淋巴结转移等相关,BRCA1蛋白失表达参与散定性乳腺癌的发生发展。
Objective: To investigate the factors which affect the expression of BRCAI protein in sporadic breast cancer and to analyze the relationship between these factors and elinicopathological parameters. Methods: The expression level of BRCA I protein, ERα and IIER-2 was detected by immunohisltochemistry (IHC) with Streptavidin-Peroxidase (SP) method in benign breast tissues and sporadic breast carcinnma tissues. Clinical data from patients were analyzed by Spearman eorrelation test and corrected Pearson X^2 test. Results: In the benign breast tissues, the positive expression rates of BRCA1 and ERa protein in nuclei were 100%(20/20)and 80%(16/20), respectively. HER-2 expression was 15.0%(3/ 20)in the cytoplasm. In lhe sporadic breast cancer tissues, the expression rates of BRCAI and ERα protein in nuclei were 57.5%(88/153 )and 64.1% (98/153), repectively. I lER-2 expression was 34.0%(52/153) in the eytnplasm. The difference in BRCAI expression between the two groups was significant (P〈0.05). No significant difference was found in ERα and HER-2 expressiton between the two groups. Loss of BRCA1 protein expression was associated with loss of ERα expression and HER-2 nvererexpression, Loss of ERα expression was correlated with HER-2 overexpressinn. High rate rate of loss uf BRCA1 expression was found in the breast cancer tissues with loss of ERα expression anti HER-2 overexpressinn. Furhermore, loss of BRCA1 expression in breast cancer tissues was currelated with the age of the patients and metastasis to axil- lary lymph nodes. There was no distinct assnciatinn between loss of BRCA1 expression and pathological types of breast cancer. Conclusion: In sporadic breasl cancer, loss nf BRCAI expression in the nuclear is correlated with loss of ERα expression, HER-2 overexpression, age, and metastasis to axillary lymph nodes and it may involve in the occurrence and development of breast cancer.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Oncology