选择平均烧伤面积45%成人21例,随机分为早期喂养(EF 组)和延迟喂养组(DF 组),探讨早期肠道营养对严重烧伤病人肠道功能的维护作用。结果表明内毒素在伤后4,8天 EF 组显著低于 DF组(P<0.05~0.01);而 SOD 则呈相反的变化,在伤后4,8天 EF 组显著高于 DF 组(P<0.01);胃泌素和胃动素除伤后第1天的大多时相点 EF 组显著高于 DF 组(P<0.05~0.01),而炎症介质 TNF 和IL—8则呈相反的变化,两组间差异有显著意义(P<0.05~0.01)。提示早期肠道营养可降低循环内毒素水平,减轻肠道缺血性再灌注损伤,削弱、阻滞“内毒素——炎症介质”对肠粘膜的损伤。
In order to investigate the effects of early enteral feeding on the gut after burn,21 cases (mean burn area 45%)were randomly divided into early feeding group(EF group)and delayed feeding group(DF group).The results showed that the levels of plasma endotoxin and MDA in EF group were much lower on PBD 4,8,14 than those of DF group(P<0.05~0.01),and plasma SOD was much low- er in DF group on PBD 4,8(P<0.01).The contents of serum gastrin and plasma motilin were obvi- ously increased,and TNF、IL-8 much lower in EF group at most time points(P<0.05~0.01).There- fore,it seems that the early enteral feeding can decrease the level of plasma endotoxin in blood,reduce reperfusion injury of the gut,and blunt the chain reaction of“endotoxin-inflammatory mediator-gut mucosa injury.”
Enteral nutrition
Reperfusion injury