Objective Evaluate if hydropuncture could be regarded as a safe and efficacious remedy for the treatment of labour pain. Methods Hydropuncture is a technique in which a physiologic solution is injected in the amount of 2 to 5 cc into the points of acupuncture, in order to stimulate the activity of the points through the pressure induced under the skin. Results In 36 cases (66%) a reduction of pain occurred and was registered with a reduction of more than 2 points along the pain scale. 10 women ( 17% ) notified absence of pain. The APGAR score as the evaluation of the funicular blood pH showed no collateral effect on the newborn child. The maternal appreciation (both subjective and registered by the midwives) was very high. An analysis of the cost of an application of hydropuncture and of an application of conventional epidural analgesia for the treatment of labour pain was undertaken. The medium cost of hydropuncture was 9.15 Euros versus 308.3 Euros for epidural analgesia. Conclusion hydropuncture was a safe, efficacious and cheaper methodology for reducing labour pain.
目的:评估穴位注射生理盐水是否可以作为一种治疗分娩痛安全有效的疗法。方法:通过向人体穴位注射2~5 mL生理盐水,利用皮下的压力刺激穴位。结果:36例(66%)疼痛减轻,记录显示根据疼痛量表疼痛减轻2点以上。10名孕妇(17%)疼痛完全消失。采用APGAR评分,检测脐带血的pH值,结果显示没有对新生婴儿造成间接的伤害。产妇的满意程度很高(助产医师主客观评价)。对应用穴位注射生理盐水疗法与硬膜外麻醉的成本进行了对比,穴位注射生理盐水疗法的平均成本为9.15欧元,硬膜外麻醉的成本是308.3欧元。结论:穴位注射生理盐水是一种安全、有效、价廉的缓解分娩痛的疗法。