在AMBA AHB总线上实现NAND FLASH控制器有多种方案。为使其具有更好的兼容性,既能支持主流型号NAND FLASH的各种命令,同时又兼顾到读写效率,该设计根据NAND FLASH本身的操作特点,提出一种软硬件划分的设计方案,以软硬件结合的方式设计出NAND FLASH控制器。该设计通过系统级仿真,功能符合NAND FLASH操作规范。
There are many kinds of methods to implement the NAND FLASH controller on the AMBA AHB general bus. In order to make it has a better compatibility which can support all kinds of commands of the primary NAND FLASH in the market,at the same time it has a high access efficiency,according to the characteristic of NAND FLASH operation, here gives a kind of software/hardware partition solution of implementing the controller by both hardware and software way. This design has past the system simulation and all functions accord with the NAND FLASH specification.
Modern Electronics Technique