1971年上海医科大学病理生理学教研室建立了SRS腹水瘤(SRS ascitic tumor),其性质为非T非B淋巴干细胞。研究证明SRS瘤细胞含有C型和A型病毒颗粒。SRS瘤无细胞提取液可诱发昆明种或SW-1系小鼠产生淋巴细胞白血病、粒细胞白血病和胸腺瘤,表明这是一种致白血病逆转录病毒(SRSV)。程立等从SRS瘤分离出SRSV,并用NIH/3T3细胞在国内首先建立了感染白血病病毒的SRSV/3T3细胞系。
Different methods were used to study the biology and molecular biology of SRS leukemia viruses(SRSV) and their derivative viruses (19-6, 19-7 and 14-Br stocks and cloned SRS 19-6 murine leukemia virus). The experimental results showed that all murine leukemia virus(MuLV) mentioned above could induce erythroleukemia(EL), myelocytic leukemia(ML), EL/ML mixed leukemia, lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma(LL) and central nervous system diseases in NIH/Swiss strain mice. The leukemia incidence of those MuLV were different, especially the incidence of LL differed significantly. Results of serological analysis and molecular hybridization demonstrated that SRSVs complex viruses (19-6 and 19-7) were of two distinct MuLV stocks, which were closesly related but different in the env region. In addition, 14-Br MuLV was an additional virus stock. Cloned SRS 19-6 MuLV had multiple leukemogenicity to induce various kind of leukemia in mice which was similar to original SRSV stock. The possible mechanism of SRS 19-6 MuLV was discussed.
Chinese Journal of Pathophysiology