
攻角空化器的超空泡形态非对称特性研究 被引量:1

Study on the supercavity morphology asymmetric characteristic of cavitator with angle of attack
摘要 为了满足水下高速超空化航行体运动平衡性和稳定性要求,必须采用非对称超空泡流动模式,采用具有非零攻角的空化器是实现该要求的一种重要策略.基于冲量定理,理论分析了非零攻角空化器引起的超空泡轴向变形量随轴向长度的关系,获得了空化器攻角对超空泡非对称性及其影响因素之间的定性和定量关系,其一阶近似与同类文献的结论是一致的,数值模拟表明了所得结论的合理性和分析的正确性.研究表明,非零攻角空化器引起的超空泡轴线变形量与沿空泡长度的距离呈线性规律增加,并在空泡尾部达到最大,不可能单独利用空化器攻角沿空泡长度来中和重力影响. In order to meet the balance and stability of motion of the underwater vehicle, asymmetrical supercavitating flow pattern must be employed One possible strategy for realize these effects is to use cavitator with nonzero angle of attack. Based on the impulse theorem law, the relationship between the supercavity axis deformation which caused by attack angle of cavitator and the distance along cavity axis from cavitator is analyzed Some qualitative and quantificational results are obtained. The first order of approximative results is in good agreement with the argument of the similar document. The numerical simulation shows the validity and reasonable of the results. The results indicated that supercavity axis inflects caused by the attack angle of the cavitator increase according to the linear rule and the maximum deformation occurs near the end of the supercavity. Some auxiliary equipment must be designed for balance the lateral hydrodynamics. It is impossible to counterbalance the gravity effects by use of the sole method of attack angle of cavitator along the whole supercavity length.
出处 《船舶工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期80-83,共4页 Ship Engineering
基金 国防基础与重点实验室基金资助项目:51414010405.
关键词 水动力学 空化器 超空化 攻角 空泡形态 非对称性 hydrodynamics cavitator supercavity angle of attack cavity morphology asymmetry
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