
小麦对^(14)CO_2的吸收和积累动态 被引量:3

Assimilation and accumulation of ^(14)CO_2 in wheat.
摘要 为探明14CO2在环境中的行为,采用同位素示踪技术研究了小麦对14CO2的吸收和积累动态.结果表明,通过叶片光合作用从空气中吸收的14CO2会向小麦其他部位组织输送并形成积累趋势.各部位组织的14C比活度在14CO2引入期间(0~28d)随时间呈线性增长,积累特征明显,增长速率为50.3~84.6Bq/(g·d),大小顺序为根>茎>叶,尽管各组织14C比活度随时间的增长速率不同,但各组织中14C的比活度均有趋向于平衡的趋势.小麦对14CO2具有强烈的富集作用,富集系数最大值为23.1~25.8,平均为24.5±1.3.小麦对空气中14CO2的较高富集特性可用来作为监测大气14CO2污染的指示作物. The isotope-tracer technique was used to investigate assimilation and accumulation of 14CO2 in wheat in order to get a better understanding of the environmental behavior of 14CO2. The atmospheric 14CO2 could be tranlocated and accumulated in other parts of the wheat after photosynthetic assimilation, During the introducing 14CO2(0-28d), the specific activity of 14C in different tissues increased linearly at a rate of 50,3-84.6 Bq/(g·d) with exposure time, following the order of root〉stem〉leaf. Although the specific activity of 14C in different tissues increased with a different rate, it reached a dynamic equilibrium with time. 14CO2(14C)could be accumulated strongly by wheat with a maximum enrichment factor of 23,1-25.8, and the mean value of enrichment factor was 24.5 ± 1.3. Due to its strong accumulation capacity to 14CO2, wheat could be used as an indicator plant for monitoring atmospheric 14CO2 pollution.
出处 《中国环境科学》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期841-844,共4页 China Environmental Science
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(20477040) 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目(Y505076)
关键词 14CO2 小麦 吸收 积累 14CO2 wheat assimilation accumulation
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