According to the research of Triassic sporopollen assemblages in mudstones from the drll of Yuqi area in Tarim Basin, Sinkiang, three sporopollen fossil assemblages were identified by the dominant genera. The Limatulasporites - Lundbladispora - Taeniaesporites assemblage in the lower part, whose geological time is Early Triassic, is produced at the Ketu^r Formation, in which the dominant elements are the spores of fern that are predominated by trilete spores with ornamentations and cavity - shaped trilete spores. The pollen of gymnosperms is mainly double ballonet pollen with ribs. The Punctatisporites - Aratrisporites assemblage in the middle part, whose geological time is Middle Triassic, is produced at the Akekule Formation, in which the ferns are predominated by the glazed and rounded trilete spores and monolete spores, the pollen of gymnosperms are predominated by the double ballonet pollen with no ribs. The Dictyophyllidites - Cyclogranisporites- Alisporites assemblage in the upper part, whose geological time is Late Triassic, is produced at Halahatang Formation, in which the ferns are predominated by the glazed and triangular trilete spores and trilete spores with ornamentations, the pollen of gymnosperms are predominated by the double ballonet pollen with no ribs.
Geology and Mineral Resources of South China
Triassic, sporopollen assemblages, Tarim Basin