目的:分析调磨后自制低镍烤瓷合金的粒度分布,以推断是否对机体尤其是肺组织产生影响。方法:实验于2007-04-05在中科院金属研究所完成。将中科院金属研究所提供的镍烤瓷合金在一封闭空间内调磨,收集调磨后的颗粒25g,用英国产Master sizer Macro型激光粒度分析仪分析颗粒的分布情况。结果:金属颗粒分布范围较宽,覆盖设备的检测范围(0.3~300μm)。一般将直径小于15μm的尘粒称呼吸性粉尘,实验中自制镍烤瓷合金调磨后颗粒中15μm以下的占1.6%左右,5μm以下占0.55%,而2μm以下占0.25%左右。结论:调磨金属所产生的颗粒大部分较大,依照公共卫生学要求推测其对肺组织的影响较小。
AIM: To analyze the particle spread of the self-made low-nickel porcelain alloy after grinding, and conclude whether it affects organism especially the lung tissues. METHODS: The experiment was carried out in the Metal Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences between April and May in 2007. The low-nickel porcelain alloy, offered by this institute, was grinded in a closed space, and the particles (25 g) were collected to analyze the spread of the particle by Master sizer Macro laser particle analyzer. RESULTS: The range of the metal particle was fairly broad, covering the detection limit (0.3-300 μm) of the equipment. Generally the dust particles with a diameter of less than 15 μm were considered as respirable dust. In this study, the percents of the grinded particles with a diameter of below 15 μm, 5 μm and 2 μm were 1.6%, 0.55% and 0.25% respectively. CONCLUSION: Most metal particles are large and supposed to possess few influences on the lung tissues according to the public health standard.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research