Purpose: To investigate the methods of both diagnosis and treatment for primary malignant melanoma in nasal cavity andparanasal sinuses. Method: Eight cases were analysed retrospectively. Results: The pathological features were the mixed existance of dif-ferent cellular patterns and morphologies. There was S-100 protein marking for malignant melanoma. All patients underwent surgicalresection and microscopically negative margins,with six receiving postoperative radiotherapy. Three cases recurred at the same side asprimary tumor about one year Iater. The 1 -year and 2-year survival rate in all were 75 % and 62 % respectively. Two cases had sur-vived more than five years who all received postoperative radiotherapy. Conclusion: S-100 protein was an important diagnostic marker formalignant melanoma. Those who received postoperative radiotherapy appeared with prolonged survival. Negative surgical margins werenot predictive of a more favorable outcome.