Purpose: To assess the diagnostic value of alpha-1-antitrypsin variant in HCC with negative AFP. Method: The detection of serum AAT variant was performed by PSA-ClAE in 78 cases of HCC (21 with negative AFP), and 20 cases of chronic liver disorders and 29 cases of control. The data were analyzed by t and X2 teat. Results: The percentages of AAT variant in HCC were sigaificantly higher Than those in CLD and normal control. The percentages and positive rate of AAT variant in HCC of normal concentration AFP were as similar as those of abnormal concentration AFP. In patients with HCC, the sensitivity, specificit37 and positive predictive vaiuc of AAT variant were 66. 67 58, 75. 00 % and 91. 23 % respectively. The sensitivit:; specificity and positive predictive value of AAT varlant in HCC of normal concentration AFP were as similar as those of abn0rmal concentration AFP. Conclusion: The measurement of serum AAT variant is helpful to the diagnosis of HCC, especially when serum concentration of AFP is within normal ranges.