命名管道技术是一个简单的客户机/服务器数据通信体系,接口依赖于Windows重定向器,直接利用了Windows NT及Windows 2000的安全机制,可以确保数据可靠地传输。文章深入探讨了Windows命名管道机制的实施细则,并给出了一个用Visual C++语言实现的命名管道服务器和客户机进行通信的实例。
Named pipes is a simple client/server data communication system.It's interface ufflizes directly security mechanism of Windows NT and Windows 2000,depending on Windows redirection device and guaranteeing data reliable trammission.This paper discusses thoroughly the implementation of named pipes for Windows,and offers an example of named pipes communication in Visual C++ programming language.
Computer and Information Technology