AIM: To observe the effect of physical therapy on the improvement of upper limb function of patients with hemiplegia. METHODS: The rehabilitative training was carried out in the laboratory of physical therapy, Institute of Sports Science, Nanling Normal University for 60 times from January 2004 to January 2005 for one 24-year-old female patient with stroke for 6 years (informed consent). The CT scanning showed that her corticocerebral motor area and temporal lobe was injured. She received special exercise training, which could transfer the paralytic muscle, in teaching form and controlled by music. Brunnstrom scale was used to evaluate the effect of training by video and photos, as so to regulate the training form in time. Brunnstrom scale involved 6 stages during the recovery of central motor dysfunction including relaxed stage, spasm stage, syncinesis stage, partial separation motion stage, separation motion stage, and normal motion stage. RESULTS: After the rehabilitative training for 60 times, the motion function of upper limb of the subject had recovered from spasm stage to separation motion stage. CONCLUSION: Physical therapy is very effective for the patient with hemiplegia spasticity.
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research