Object: We observed the effects that the cprinomectin treated the cattle which infected natural Hypoderma boris. Method: We set the 8 groups with the cattle's assessing weights of measuring bovine breast range and long. According to their weights, wc injccted drugs in so. Resuh: In thc 5 groups of the three different does' (0.Smg/kg, 1.0mg/kg and 1.Smg/kg ) groups of the Ⅰ forma's; the Ⅱ forma (1.0mg/kg) group and the Ⅲ forma (1.0mg/kg) group, the blocks of swelling mass that was induced hy the 3rd larva of Hypodcrma boris disappeared. These cattle brought back to health. Conclusion: They are very good that the eprinomectin's does above 1.0mg/kg or the 0.5mg/kg dose of the test's forma Ⅰ and Ⅱ killed the 3rd larva of ttypoderma boris. The 0.5mg/kg dose of the test's forma Ⅱ did not kill all the 3rd larvae of Hypoderma bovis.
Grass-Feeding Livestock