
从《英语搭配大辞典》看英语搭配词典的编写原则 被引量:9

Principles for the compiling of an English Collocation Dictionary:A critical review of The Kenkyusha Dictionary of English Collocations
摘要 《英语搭配大辞典》的前身《英和活用大辞典》创立了以名词、谓词、形容词为词目类、以名词为核心的宏观结构,和按照搭配结构和字母顺序编排的微观结构,它与其前两版的主要不同是增加了搭配条数和"句法性结合"。本文试图论证:(1)以有没有可预测外语对应词作为区分"自由结合"与"搭配"的标准;(2)增收副词和介词作为词目;(3)单列并列关系的搭配;(4)除名词外,语义范围相对较窄、使用频率相对较低的词也可作为搭配核心。本文认同Palmer的观点,搭配词典应当"起到英语教学手册的作用,而不是遇到语言危机时依靠的拐杖",提出下一代学习词典应同时是一部搭配词典。 The first edition of The Kenkyusha Dictionary of English Collocations created the macro-structure of selecting only nouns,verbs and adjectives as headwords and treating nouns as the base in collocations involving verbs and adjectives,and the microstructure of classifying and arranging collocations by collocation structure and alphabetical order.The new edition of Kenkyusha differs from its predecessors mainly in a greater number of collocates and in presenting syntactic combinations.The authors of this review article argue:(1) that the criterion for differentiating a collocation from a free combination should be that a collocating item does not have a predictable foreign language counterpart;(3) that adverbs and prepositions should be included as headwords;(3) that collocations of coordinate construction should be included as a separate category;(4) apart from nouns,an item that has a narrower sense and is less frequently used in the collocation can also serve as base.The article agrees with Palmer that collocation dictionaries should 'serve as learning and teaching handbooks rather than as crutches to lean on in moments of linguistic crisis' and proposes that the next generation of learner's dictionary should be a collocation dictionary as well.
作者 陈国华 王薇
出处 《外语教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第6期468-473,共6页 Foreign Language Teaching and Research
基金 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目(项目号:02JAZJD740005)资助
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