Objective A method of health education on oral cavity for those who refuse dental surgery will be discussed by analyzing the reaons why university students refuse to accept the treatment on common oral cavity diseases. Methods Carrying out a statistical analysis of the 435 university students from Yunnan Nationalities University who firstly refused to accept the treatment on endodontics, tooth pericoronltis and supragingival scaling, hut agreed afterwards. Results 65.56 % of them suffering from endodontics or tooth pericoronitis refused to accept the treatment mostly because they were scared by painfulness. 54.81% suffering from gingivitis refused to accept the treatment on supragingi- val scaling because they knew that they would be prescribed mostly only vitamin C. And 35.53 % who agreed to accept the treatment afterwards mostly because of peer education. Conelnsion Peer education, health prescription, network education, etc. are all effective ways of health education on oral cavity for the students who refuse to accept the treatment, and peer education is the most effective among them.
Chinese Journal of Health Education
Dental treatment
Refuse to accept the treatment
Oral health education
Peer education