综述了我所软X射线-极紫外波段关键技术的研究进展。描述了软X射线-极紫外波段光源技术,研制了工作波段为6 ~22 nm的微流靶激光等离子体光源;介绍了光子计数成像探测器技术,研制出了有效直径为25 mm,等效像元分辨率为0 .3 mm的极紫外波段探测器;开展了超光滑表面加工、检测技术的研究,研制了超光滑表面抛光机,加工出高面形精度的超光滑表面,面形精度为6 nm(RMS值) ,表面粗糙度达0 .6 nm(RMS值) ;进行了软X射线-极紫外波段多层膜技术的研究,研制出13 nm处反射率为60 %的多层膜反射镜,150 mm口径反射镜的反射率均匀性优于±2 .5 %;最后,讨论了软X射线-极紫外波段测量技术研究,研制出该波段反射率计,其测量范围为5 ~50 nm,光谱分辨率好于0 .2 nm,测量重复性好于±1 %。在上述关键技术研究基础上,研制出了极紫外波段成像仪和空间极紫外波段太阳望远镜,这些仪器在我国空间科学研究项目中发挥了作用。
Some key technologies on soft X-ray and Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) optics developed at CIOMP are reviewed in this paper. The technology for laser-produced plasma sources is described and a laser-produced plasma source with a liquid target worked at wavelength range of 6-22 nm has been developed, Soft X-ray and EUV photon-counting imaging is introduced and a two-dimensional photoncounting detector with position sensitive anode is fabricated. The active area of the detector is 25 mm in diameter and the resolution is 0.3 mm. The technology of super-smooth mirror fabrication is studied and a polishing machine has been developed to fabricate the super-smooth surface mirrors with the roughness and the figure of 0.6 nm (RMS) and 6 nm (RMS) ,respectively. Soft X-ray and EUV multilayer film technologies are coverd also in the paper and a number of mutilayer coating mirrors have been deposited for some space science projects. These muhilayer mirrors show their reflectivity of 60% at 13 nm and the uniformity better than ±2.5% across a 150 mm diameter. The soft X-ray and EUV radiometric technologies are studied and a reflectometer, with operational wavelength range of 5 -50 nm, spectrum resolution of 0.2 nm and repeatability better than 1% has been set up. Based on acutting-edge technology, an EUV imager and a space EUV solar telescope are developed, these imaging instruments have played an important role in a number of scientific projects.
Optics and Precision Engineering
Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No 40774098,No 60677043