
大环多胺及其金属配合物与DNA的相互作用 被引量:12

The Interaction of Macrocyclic Polyamine Derivatives and Their Complexes with DNA
摘要 本文综述了近年来基于大环多胺及其金属配合物与DNA相互作用的研究进展,着重介绍本课题组在有关单双核、多核以及功能化大环多胺衍生物及其金属配合物与DNA相互作用方面的研究和发现,并对其在化学核酸酶方面的应用进行了讨论。在单双核大环多胺衍生物方面,我们分别合成了以吡啶、苯环、咪唑、三氮唑为侧臂的单核大环多胺金属配合物,同时合成了以刚性桥相连的双核配合物和以柔性链相连的双核配合物。研究这些单双核大环多胺与DNA的相互作用发现,以刚性链相连的双核大环多胺金属配合物具有很好的切割DNA的性质,可以在低浓度、短时间内切断DNA。在功能化大环多胺方面,我们合成了含有碱基P、NA单体、咪唑盐、冠醚、二茂铁等功能化基团的大环多胺衍生物及金属配合物,并研究了其与DNA的相互作用。在多核大环多胺方面,我们合成了基于大环多胺的寡聚物,研究发现该类物质可与DNA形成复合物,从而有效地保护DNA免于酶解。 In this paper, the development of the interaction of macrocyclic polyamine derivatives and their complexes with DNA is reviewed. The focuses are especially on some researches and findings about the interactions of macrocyclic polyamine mononuclear, dinuclear, functionalized complexes and cyclen-based polymers with DNA in our research group. In addition, the application of these complexes on chemical nuclease is discussed in brief. In mono-, dinuclear macrocyclic polyamine metal complexes, we synthesized a series of mononuclear cyclen containing pyridine, benzene, imidazole, triazole complexes, and dinuclear macrocyclic polyamine metal complexes linked with rigid spacers and flexible spacers respectively. The interactions of these complexes with plasmid DNA are also investigated. The results showed that dinuclear cyclen metal complexes linked with rigid spacers can catalyze the cleavage of plasmid DNA at low concentration within shorter time. Secondly, the syntheses of functionalized macrocyclic polyamine complexes containing nucleobases, PNA monomer, imidazolium side, crown ether, ferrocenyl side and their interaction with DNA are studied, respectively. Finally, in muhinuclear macrocyclic polyamine derivatives, we found that cyclen-based oligomers form polymer complex with DNA, thus protect DNA from enzymatic degradation efficiently.
出处 《化学进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第12期1909-1918,共10页 Progress in Chemistry
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(No.20572075 20732004) 教育部博士基金项目资助
关键词 大环多胺 金属配合物 DNA 相互作用 macrocyclic polyamine metal complexes DNA interaction
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