应用铁路线路设计的基本方法,完成赣龙线瑞金—龙岩段中15 km实际线路的平、纵面设计,在此基础上运用Visual C++语言,编程实现了基于数据库的铁路线路I、II线曲线要素及II线交点坐标的计算,并在AutoCAD的环境下应用Object ARX技术编程绘制线路中线平面图。
Appling the general method of railway line design, it was accomplished the design of a practical double-lines railway, which was about fifteen kilometers of length between Ruijin-Longyan in Ganlong Line. Based on the result of the design, it was developed some programs in Microsoft Visual C++ language to calculate elements of curves in railway line, calculated the each note's coordinates of Ⅱ line and drawn the plane of railway line in the environment of AutoCAD with Object ARX application. ALL application above was implemented based on database of Microsoft FoxPro.
Railway Computer Application