Suanle(算了) was originally a non-syntactic structure and there was no structural relationship between suan(算) and le( 了 ). With the meaning of suan(算) unceasingly bleaching and from the"act"domain to"know"domain, the non-syntactic structure suanle(算了) commonly used in the rhetorical questions started to express the complementary meaning of busuanle(不算了), thus suanle(算了) changed into the abstract righteousness verb by lexicalization to express the meaning of zuoba(作罢) ,and the vernacular word suanle(算了) gradually replaced the literary style word bale(罢了). Then the verb suanle(算了)underwent grammaticalization, entering the"word"domain, and became an auxiliary which had a modality function. The auxiliary suanle(算了)by further grammaticalization became a discourse marker. Finally, the paper iscusses suanle(算了)in mandarin Chinese from a synchronic point of view and proposes some universal problems which should be attached importance to in similar studies.
Linguistic Sciences
suanle(算了) lexicalization of non-syntactic structure grammaticalization modality discourse marker