Objective To study the effect of ginsenoside on apoptosis, NO concentration during castration-induced rat corpus cauernosum cells. Methods Forty mature male, rats were randomly divided into 4 groups: one-week castrated, one-week, castrated with two ginsenosides groups: (25mg/kg, 100mg/kg ) at times of surgury and sham-operated (control). each group contains 10 animals. One week after castration, corpus cavernosum were harvested. Plasma testosterone and, NO concentration in rats corpus cavemosum were measured. Apoptosis was detected by using in situ Terminal Dexynucleotidy Transferase-mediated duTP nick end labeling(TUNEL)and quantitated. Results Plasma testosterone level in the control group was (1.51±0.86), other group was not detected, compared to cortrol group(39.8±3.28), NO concentration in RCC from the castration group (14.45±2.38) was greatly decreased, compared to the castration group (14.45±2.38), NO concentration in RCC from 100mg/kg ginsenoside group (37.88±7.06) was greatly increased (P〈0.05); Compared to castration group (26.02±5.25) apoptosis extent of RCC was supressed from 100 mg/kg G.S group (12.51±1.81) (P〈0.05). Conclusion Ginsonoside does not contain hormone like components and does not increase the plasma testosterone level on castrated rat. Castration can induce apoptosis in RCC which could be prevented by large dose of ginsenoside (100 mg/kg) and this effect could be attributed to its action of the activation of NO pathway.
Chinese Journal of Andrology