
一种适用于大规模特征集的快速匹配算法 被引量:1

High-performance string matching algorithm for large scale string set
摘要 提出了一种适用于大规模特征集的快速匹配算法——SRS算法,该算法性能优异,在特征集达到100000条时,匹配速度比经典算法快10倍以上。该算法适用于内容过滤、防病毒、反垃圾邮件、短信过滤、网络入侵检测和防御等众多领域。 A fast string matching algorithm for large scale string set called SRS is addressed in this paper,it can achieve good performance.The speed of string matching using SRS algorithm can be 10 times higher than that using classical algorithm when the string set is 100 thousand.SRS algorithm can be employed to many applications areas,such as content filtering,antivirus,antispare,short message filtering,IDS/IPS systems etc.
出处 《计算机工程与应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第34期168-170,212,共4页 Computer Engineering and Applications
关键词 字符串匹配 大规模特征匹配 SRS算法 string matching large scale set pattern matching SRS algorithm
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