文章报道了青海省的原生动物缘毛目的3个新种,隶属于2个科、3个属,其中盖虫科 Operculariidae有圆盖虫Orbopercularia 1个属,鞘居科 Vaginicolidae 有扉门虫 Thuricola 和靴纤虫Cothurnia 2个属。3个新种名称为宽纹圆盖虫,新种 Orbopercularia latistriata sp.nov.、青海扉门虫,新种 Thuricola qinghaiensis sp.nov.和粗壮靴纤虫,新种 Cothurnia robusta sp.nov.。每一种有详图和描述,对宽纹圆盖虫的表膜作了蛋白银染色观察。
In the present paper three new species belonging to Orbopcrcularia of Operculariidae and Thuricola and Colhurnia of Vaginicilidae are described. These species were collected in July-August, 1985 from Qinghai Province.1. Orbopercularia latistriata sp. nov. (figs. 1, 2; photo 3, 4)Length of zooid: 38-41 μm, width of zooid: 12-15 μm width of peristome: 10 μm, length of primary stalk: 5-8 μm, colony: 70-86 μm.Zooid nearly ellipsoid, middle sligthly wide. Volume of the vestibulum large and cyto-pharynx narrow. Contractile vacuole single, macronucleus ovoid, transversely located in middle of body. Pellicular striae is wide-striated type. Enumerated from the oral apparatus to the aboral ciliary wreath, the number of the silverlines may vary from 19 to 20 and from the aboral ciliary wreath to the scopula from 7 to 10. Stalk smooth, dichotomously branched. This new species resembles Opercularia archiorbopercularia Foissner, 1979, in the pelli-cular striae being wide-striated type. However, the macronuclcus of the latter is pod-like and never round. This new species appears similar to Ocbopercularia micronectae Stiller, 1963, too, but the latter dende-striated type.Locality: Daitongxian County (36°59’N, 101°42’E), Qinghai.Attachment: On the stalk of Opercularia microdiscum Faure-Fremiet, 1904.2. Thuricola qinghaiensis sp. nov. (figs. 5, 6)Length of lorica: 120-130 urn, width of lorica (lateral): 50-54 μm, width of lorica (front): 10-13 μm, aperture of lorica: 10-12 μm, length of zooid: 149-160 μm.Broad view of lorica elongate and tube-shaped. Ratio of length to width of lorica 2.4-2.5, width of aperture to width of lorica 1.0. Two-thirds at posterior part of lorica, from lateral view, distinctly widened. Anterior one-thirds of lorica equipped with valve-like apparatus. The lorica contains 1 zooid and attached to the base of the case by a very short stalk. Macronucleus bank-like.This new species is closely related to Thuricola incisa (Daday, 1910), but differs from the latter by having smooth aperture of lori
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica