【目的】探索儿童单纯肥胖症的群体干预方法,降低学龄前儿童肥胖发病率。【方法】从朝阳区和大兴区各选择2所幼儿园为研究现场,2~4岁儿童为研究对象,每区各有1所幼儿园为干预组,另1所为对照组。采用WHO身高标准体重值为肥胖判断标准。对干预组进行为期2年的群体干预,干预措施包括对儿童家长的健康教育、保证儿童运动锻炼时间、幼儿园提供平衡膳食、告知家长儿童体格测量结果等。对照组除与干预组同期体检外不接受任何干预措施。【结果】经过2年干预,干预组肥胖率从8.78%降至7.77%,对照组肥胖率从3.58%上升为6.81%;干预组血压偏高检出率从4.83%降至2.60%,对照组从1.39%上升为1.85%;干预组儿童体质指数(body mass index,BMI)下降幅度大于对照组,臂围增长值低于对照组(P〈0.05)。【结论】肥胖群体干预方案在幼儿园的实施有助于学龄前儿童肥胖发病率的控制和儿童体形的改善。
[ Objective] To evaluate the impact of a kindergarten-based intervention program to childhood obesity and to reduce the prevalence of obesity among preschool children. [ Methods] Two intervention and two control kindergartens were selected from Chaoyang and Daxing district, to attend the field trial. Each district had an intervention and a control kindergarten. Children of 2 to 4 years old in the kindergarten were involved the study. Obesity was defined by WHO standard weight for height. The_children in two intervention kindergartens would participate in a kindergarten-based intervention program for 2 years. The program included health education, exercise, providing diet of balanced nutrition, and informing parents the growth situation of the child. Outcomes were assessed using pre-intervention and follow-up measures. [Results] The prevalence of obesity among the children in intervention group was reduced from 8. 78% to 7. 77% after 2 years. The prevalence of obesity among the children in control group increased from 3.58% to 6.81% the same term. The prevalence of hypertension in intervention group was reduced front 4.83% to 2.60%. The prevalence of hypertension in control group increased from 1.39% to 1.85%. The decrease of body mass index (BMI) of children in intervention group was more evident than that in control group. The increase of arm encirclement of children in intervention group was less than that in control group(P〈0.05). [ Conclusion] The kindergarten-based intervention program is effective in controlling the prevalence of obesity and improving the shape of the children in the kindergarten.
Chinese Journal of Child Health Care
intervention kindergarten-based