液力变矩器是汽车自动变速器的核心部件之一,结构复杂,设计难度大。反求设计作为一种新的产品设计思想和方法越来越广泛地应用于汽车、模具等快速成型制造领域,并取得了很多成果。以Pro/Engineer Wildfire(简称Pro/E)为设计平台,实现了YB 225型液力变矩器的反求设计。
Torque converter is one of key components of automatic transmission ; it is diiiicult to design because of it's complicated structure. As a new idea and method of the new product design, re- verse designing is more and more widely used in the rapid prototyping ; manufacturing and has made many achievements. The reverse designing of the YB225 torque converter is realized in this article by using Pro/E as the design platform.
Journal of Shanghai Dianji University