目的:观察芳香止痛捺剂联合神经阻滞治疗,带状疱疹后神经痛的疗效。方法:选择视觉模拟评分法(V isual analogue scale,VAS)VAS>7的带状疱疹后神经痛病人60例,随机分为芳香止痛捺剂联合神经阻滞(治疗组)和神经阻滞组(对照组),治疗组:将配制的止痛捺剂涂于痛点处,早晚各一次,5d为一个疗程,联合神经阻滞1次/3d。对照组:仅采用神经阻滞疗法1次/3d,治疗后观察止痛效果。结果:对照两组病人治疗后的止痛效果(VAS),结果显示治疗组优于对照组P<0.05。结论:芳香止痛捺剂联合神经阻滞治疗疱疹后神经痛效果更佳。
Objective: To observe the effect of post - herpetic neuralgia ( PHN ) by aromatic analgesic fingerprinted agents combination with nerve block treatment. Method: 60 cases of patients ( VAS 〉 7 of post -herpetic neuralgia ) were choose, they were randomly divided into aromatic fingerprinted agents combina- tion with nerve block (treatment group) and only nerve block (control group). Treatment group: preparation analgesic agents will be fingerprinted pain point Surface, and sooner or later for one times, a regimen for five - day, 3 days for one times by treatment of nerve block. Control group : the course of therapy only by nerve block was 1st 3 days, Analgesic effect was observed after treatment. Result: Analgesic effect of two groups patients after treatment was controlled, Analgesic effect of the treatment group than the control group after treatment was significant difference ( P 〈 0.05 ). Conclusion: Aromatic analgesic fingerprinted agents com- bination with nerve block is a better treatment of post -herpetic neuralgia.
Hebei Medicine
Aromatic fingerprinted agent
Nerve block