The distribution of enkephalin-immunoreactive(ENK-IR) neurons was observed in the ciliary, pterygopalatine and otic ganglions of different age-bracket rats by indirect immunofluorescence method. It was found that the number of ENK-IR neurons reached its maximal at the first postnatal day(43.3% , 43. 6% and 33. 0% , for the ciliary, pterygopalatine and otic ganglions respectively). The number of ENK-IR neurons varied obviously at 4th postnatal week, first decreasing and then increasing for the ciliary and peteygopalatine ganglions; and simply decreasing for the otic ganglion. There was no significant differance between adult and old rats in the number of ENK-IR neurons. In adult rats, the number of ENK-IR neurons was greatest in the ciliary ganglion(38.9%), the number of the peteygopalatine ganglion was the next (34.0 %), and the number of ganglion was the least (30.9). Extensive distribution of ENK neurons in cranial parasympathetic ganglions suggested that ENK was involved in the modulation of the splanchnomotion of the head and the face.
Chinese Journal of Anatomy
江苏省自然科学基金(BK 93106314)