本文报道在江苏宜兴采集的宽基蜉属Choroterpes两个新种:宜兴宽基蜉Choroterpes(Euthralus)yixingensis sp.nov.和弯铗宽基蜉Choroterpes(Euthralus)curviforeeps sp.nov.。本文对新种形态作了详细描述,附有形态特征图。模式标本保存在南京师范大学生物系。
Choroterpes (Euthraulus) yixingensis sp. nov. (figs. 1-15)Male imago (in alc.): Length of body 5-7 mm. General color grey-brown. compound eyes large and contiguous dorsally. Tubinate eyes orange red, lower eyes black. Fore wing 5.5-7,5 mm long and hyaline, except C and Sc areas opaque, vein MA forked in the middle. Hind wing small. costal vein over the middle with a projection, costal area with 4 cross veins, subcostal area with 5 cross veins. Legs light yellow, each femur with black brown patches. In the fore leg, femur: tibia: tarsus = 1.6:2.5:2.2; tarsal joints rank 1, 2, 3, 4. All claws dissimilar. Forceps of male genitalia 3 segmented, first segment longest and base broad, 2nd and 3rd segments short. Penial lobes with a deep V-shapcd cleft in between. Caudal filaments three. Terminal filament slightly longer than cerci.Female imago (in alc.): Length of body 5.5-7mm. General colour deeper than the male. Fore wing 6-7.5mm long. In the fore leg, femur:tibia:tarsus = 1.5:l.7:0.5; tarsal joins rank 4, 3, 2, 1. Other characters as in male.Holotypes ♂, Allotype ♀, Mingling, 1985. Ⅵ. 18, paratypes: 20♂♂, 9♀♀, Mingling, 1985, Ⅵ. 17-18; 8♂♂, 4♀♀, Hufu, 1980. Ⅶ; l0♂♂, 8♀♀, Mingling, 1980. Ⅶ. 26,Choroterpes (Euthraulus) curviforceps sp. nov. (figs. 16-30)Male imago (in alc.): Length of body 4.5-5.5 mm. General color tan. Fore wings 5-6 mm long. Hind wing small, costal area wiyh 5 cross veins, subcostal area with 6 cross veins. In the fore leg, femur:tibia:tarsus = 1.1:1.7:1.5; tarsal joints rank 1, 2, 3, 4. Penial lobes long, with a deep V-shaped cleft in between.Female imago (in alc.): Length of body 5-6 mm, General colour deeper than the male. In the fore leg, femur:tibia:tarsus= 1.7:2.0:0.8; tarsal joins rank 4, 3, 2, 1.Holotypes ♂, Allotype ♀, Hufu, 1980. Ⅶ. 29, paratypes: 9♂♂, 3♀♀, Taihua, 1980, Ⅶ. 24 5♂♂, 3♀♀, Mingling, 1980. Ⅶ. 27; 15♂♂, 5♀♀, Hufu, 1980. VII. 29.All type localities of the two new species are located in Yixing County (31°3’N,
Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica
Ephemeroptera Leptophlcoiiclae Choroterpes new species.