目的研究常压下不同月份茵陈水提物对正常和心肌耗氧量增加模型小鼠耐缺氧作用,并观察水提物浓度对小鼠耐缺氧作用的影响。方法常压状态下,腹腔注射异丙肾上腺素注射液建立心肌耗氧量增加小鼠模型,观察不同月份的茵陈水提物对正常小鼠和模型小鼠缺氧存活时间和耗氧量的影响,每月份水提物设两个剂量25生药g/kg和15生药g/kg。结果3、4、5月份的茵陈水提物均能显著延长小鼠缺氧存活时间,提高耐缺氧能力,并且存在剂量依赖性,0.75 g/m l生药浓度的茵陈效果更佳。结论各月份的茵陈水提物均能提高正常小鼠、心肌耗氧量增加模型小鼠的耐缺氧能力,5月份的茵陈不仅"当柴烧",而且还具有显著的耐缺氧作用。
Objectlve:To study the effect of artemisia capiUaris water- solubility, prepared from March, April, and May, on the living time of mice under the normal pressure and hypoxia; the dose effect of water - extract on the oxygen deficit mice was also observed. Methods:Hypoxia tolerance experiments was performed under normal pressure, and the myocardial anoxia was induced by isoprenaline. The effect of artemisia capiUaris water - solubility, derived from different times, on the living time and oxygen consumption of normal mice and model mice was observed, respectively. Results: All the group of artemisia capiUaris water - solubility obviously lengthened the mouse oxygen deficit survival time and improved hypoxia tolerance with dose dependent, and 0.75g/ml group has more remarkable effect on it. Conclusion: Artemisia capillaris water - solubility significantly enhanced ability of hypoxia tolerance of normal mice and the myocardial anoxia mice. The artemisia capiUaris living in May displays remarkable effect on the hypoxia tolerance.
Journal of Taishan Medical College
hypoxia tolerance
Artemisia capillaris
water- solubility