目的:研究髂腰韧带(ILL)的形态学,探讨其在防止L5椎体前滑脱中的作用。方法:成人男性防腐标本26具,观察ILL起止点和走行,测量其长宽厚度。取10具标本制腰椎滑脱模型,等分为两组,A组为ILL保留组,B组为ILL切断组。测量在300、600、900和1200 N负荷时L5椎体在S1椎体上缘的位移。测量A组和B组在不同载荷下L5椎体的位移和移位程度,用Stata 7.0进行统计学分析。结果:ILL由上部和下部韧带组成。上部韧带主要起自L4横突,止于髂骨嵴的内缘和腰方肌在髂嵴的附丽部。厚(2.22±0.28)m m,宽(10.72±2.34)m m,长(69.80±5.02)m m。下部韧带不能再细分成束,主要起自L5横突,主要止于髂后粗隆,最长(82.20±4.02)m m,主束前缘长(36.64±2.30)m m,后缘长(8.54±1.78)m m,宽(12.22±2.18)m m,厚(4.30±0.96)m m。A组和B组在不同载荷下L5椎体的位移和移位程度,统计学分析结果P<0.05,为差别有显著性意义。结论:ILL具有特异的形态学结构特点,有阻止和减少L5椎体向前滑脱的作用。
Objective: To study the morphology of iliolumbar ligament (ILL) and its biomechanical functions for anti-slip of the L5 vertebra. Methods: The origin and insertion, courses, length and width of ILL were determined in 26 embalmed lumbar spines from human cadavers of Chinese people, 10 specimen models of spondylolysis were classified equally into two groups. ILL was reserved in group A, otherwise, removed in group B. These specimens were measured on biomechanical machine, and then the results of biomechanics were statistically compared between group A and B. Results: ILL consisted of two parts, the superior and inferior ligament. The superior ligament originated from the transverse process of L4, and the lateral aspect of the L4 vertebra and L4-5 disc, inserted into the anterior margin and the insertion point of the quadratus lumborum muscle on the iliac crest, with the length of (69.80±5.02)mm long, the width of ( 10.72± 2.34)mm and the thickness of (2.22 ±0.28)mm. The inferior ligament, a single band, originated from the transverse process of L5 and the lateral aspect of the L4-5 disc and L5 vertebra, and faned out widely before inserting into the iliac tuberosity and the insertion point of the iliac muscle on the iliac crest, with the length of ( 36.64±2.30 )mm at the anterior margin and( 8.54± 1.78 )mm at the posterior margin, the width of ( 12.22±2.18 ) mm, and the thickness of (4.30±0.96)mm. The slip degree of L5 vertebra was more in B group than in A group ( P〈0.05 ). Conclusions: ILL in Chinese people specimens has a different anatomic features comparing with people of other nations. The features ofbiomechanics suggest that ILL has a role in anti-slip of the L5 vertebra.
Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy
iliolumbar ligament