
紫苏精油与环糊精包结物的制备与光谱研究 被引量:2

Preparation and spectroscopic study on the inclusion complexes of volatile oil of Perilla frutescens with β-CD
摘要 利用紫外可见光谱法(UV-Vis)测定了β-CD及其衍生物与VOP作用的包结比和包结常数;测定了包结过程在30~45℃范围内的热力学参数△G、△H、△S;研究了包结物的抗光解作用;以饱和水溶液法制备固体包结物,用红外吸收光谱进行包结物鉴定。实验表明,β-CD及其衍生物与紫苏挥发油的包结比均为1∶1,包结能力顺序为HP-β-CD>HE-β-CD>M-β-CD>β-CD,包结反应是一个放热过程,以焓变为主,符合熵焓补偿效应,范德华是主要的驱动力。 The association constant and inclusion proportion for the inclusion complex of vola- tile oil of Perilla frutescens (VOP) with cyclodextrins (HP-β-CD, HE-β-CD, β-CD and M-β-CD) were determined in the range of 30-45℃ by ultraviolet spectrometry. The effect of temperature on K value and other parameters AG, AH and AS had also been discussed. The inclusion complex of VOP with β-cyclodextrin was prepared by saturated aqueous solu- tion, and characterized by infrared spectrometry. Good linear relationships indicated that the structures of the inclusion complex were 1 : 1. The association constant (K) of the complexes had been obtained, and the order that the capability associated with VOP was HP-β-CD〉 HE-β-CD〉M-β-CD〉β-CD. The inclusive process was an exthermic and enthalpy--driven process accompanied with a negative entropic contribution, and van der Waals force plays an importance role in the process.
出处 《中国调味品》 CAS 北大核心 2007年第11期42-46,共5页 China Condiment
基金 天津市高校科技发展基金重点资助课题
关键词 b-环糊精 挥发油 紫苏 结合常数 b-cyclodextrin volatile oil perilla rutescens association constants
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