This paper discusses some basic Chinese cartographic annotation rules and several quantitative metrics for their representation in cartographic softwares. First, it discusses the main practical issues in the process of Chinese cartographic labeling. According to the discussion, it illustrates that different cartographers are usually labeling maps based on their personal professional backgrounds and annotation rules in the process of map compilation, as a result of doing this, maps with different labeling rules on the same area are very common and the most important thing is that any cartographic softwares can hardly execute these different annotation rules accurately and effectively. In order to solving the issues, this paper brings forward four general annotation rules as proximity, continuation, similarity as well as common fate, which are based on Gestalt principles, a theoretical basis for the recognition of spatial distribution patterns. The basic conception of Gestalt principles are described in section Ⅱ and the detailed illustration of Chinese cartographic annotation based on them are described in section Ⅲ. In virtue of quantitative metrics, this section shows some methods of measuring before-mentioned annotation rules. Finally, in section Ⅳ, two pairs of sample labeling maps are presented as a comparison and demonstration of such rules.
Acta Geodaetica et Cartographica Sinica