LUCC是当前国际全球变化研究的前沿和热点领域,喀斯特生态脆弱区的土地利用/覆被变化是国际LUCC研究中的薄弱环节。以贵州中部的典型喀斯特流域——猫跳河流域为例,通过详实的地面调查,以1973年的Landsat-MSS影像、1990年和2002年的Landsat-TM影像为数据源,在RS、G IS、GPS为核心的"三S"集成技术支撑下,应用单一土地利用动态度、单一土地利用转入率和转出率、综合土地利用动态度、土地利用度以及土地覆被变化空间指数等指标,定量研究了该流域在过去30 a间的土地利用/覆被的变化特征。研究表明:(1)研究区的土地覆被类型主要以耕地、灌草地、灌木林以及有林地为主;(2)1970年代以来,土地利用/覆被变化剧烈,各地类之间的变化幅度存在较大差别,水田、灌木林、其他林地、灌草地等地类先减后增,旱地和裸岩地先增后减,有林地、水域、城镇建设用地、农村居民点、交通工矿用地等持续增加;⑶1973~1990年的土地利用动态度和土地利用度均比1990~2002年大,前一时期的裸岩地明显增加,土地利用具有明显的不可持续性,进入1990年后,裸岩地缩减,流域生态环境质量趋于好转;⑷伴随着分布面积在平面空间上的张缩,各地类的平均分布高程和坡度在垂直方向上也出现了相应的变化。
It is well known that LUCC( Land Use/Cover Change) is the current front and hot field of current global change study. With unique geochemical processes, karst area is often ecologically fragile, where ecological carrying capacity is low, and the ability against external influence and disturbance weak. Over the past few decades, the karst areas in southwest China have experienced rapid social and economic change which brought forth extensive in- fluence on local land cover. Especially, karst rocky desertification, as a result of unreasonable land use in ragged karst mountain area, emerged and expanded at an alarming rate in Guizhou province and Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, as has caused increasing perception from domestic academic community. In the past 10 years, many scholars have carried out extensive studies on the karst rocky desertification and other ecological problems in the area. However, most of them just focused on the singular aspect, and a more comprehensive study on the land use and land cover change in the areas has received little attention in international LUCC community. Based on the above understanding, by making lots of ground investigation and using the remote sensed images of Landsat-MSS in the year of 1973 and Landsat-TM in 1990 and 2002, and with the support of triple "S" technique of RS, GIS and GPS, the authors calculated the indexes of singe land cover change velocity, comprehensive land cover change velocity, land use degree, and spatial land cover distribution, and made a case study on land use/cover change over the past 30 years in Maotiaohe river basin, which is a typical karst watershed with fragile eco-environment. The resuits show that: (1) the leading land covers are cultivated land, grass land, shrub land and forest land; (2) Since the beginning of 1970s, the land covers in the study area have experienced dramatic change , but there are obvious difference among different types of land covers, with paddy field, shrub land, grass land, and other forest land d
Mountain Research