
研究型大学在德国兴起的三步曲——从哈雷到哥廷根再到柏林大学的历史考察 被引量:4

Trilogy of the Rise of Research University in Germany——Historical Exploration from Halle,Gottingen to Berlin University
摘要 现代大学萌芽于12世纪的欧洲,然而研究型大学创始于17世纪的德国,1694年哈雷大学的建立开创了现代大学之先河,运用了现代哲学和科学方法,并有意识地强调了研究和学术自由;1737年哥廷根大学的落成,促进了现代大学的进一步发展,图书馆及相关设施的建立,使研究型大学模型初具;创立于1810年的柏林大学开创了大学教育的新纪元,学术自由和教研结合两大原则正式确立起来并成为现代大学的显著特点,研究型大学从此兴起。研究型大学是德国社会的独特产物,是在一种适宜条件下产生的,它在很多方面不同于传统大学。因此,对研究型大学在德国兴起进行历史考察,无疑会加深我们对研究型大学产生的背景及其意义的认识。 The university is usually dated back to Europe in the twelfth century, but research university was created in Germany in the seventeenth century. Halle University built in 1694 set the trend of modem university, applying modem philosophical and scientific methods and emphasizing consciously the research and the academic freedom. The establishment of Gottingen University promoted the further development of modern university. In 1810, Berlin University was founded and originated a new era of higher education, The two principles of academic freedom and integration of teaching and research were formally formed; and became the outstanding features of modem university, symbolizing the rise of research university. Research university, to some extent, is a unique production of the German society, and differs from the classical universities in many aspects. Thus the exploration for research university in Germany may widen and deepen our understanding of production environment of research university.
作者 李东升
出处 《哈尔滨工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第6期19-26,共8页 Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 研究型大学 德国 哈雷大学 哥廷根大学 柏林大学 research university Germany Halle university Gottingen university Berlin university
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