目的:总结近年来2型糖尿病运动疗法的研究进展。资料来源:应用计算机检索American Diabetes Association(http://www.diabetes.org/home.jsp)2005/2007的相关文章,检索词"Type2diabetes,Exercise therapy",限定文章语言为English。并应用计算机检索中国期刊全文数据库2001-01/2006-12期间的相关文章,检索词"糖尿病的运动疗法",限定文章语言为中文。并手工检索1995-01/2006-12相关专著。资料选择:对资料进行初审,选取与2型糖尿病运动疗法有关的文献。纳入标准:①随机对照研究。②试验包含平行对照组,即饮食控制+药物治疗组。③治疗组为在饮食控制+药物治疗基础上实施运动疗法组。排除综述及重复性研究。资料提炼:共检索到130篇文献,符合纳入标准的30篇,排除5篇重复性研究,2篇meta分析研究。资料综合:①中等强度的有氧耐力运动能够调节糖代谢,降低血糖,增强胰岛素敏感性,延缓糖尿病并发症的发生发展,控制肥胖,降低血脂,提高机体适应性。②运动疗法适用于糖耐量低减、血糖控制良好且无严重并发症的糖尿病患者;运动前应进行必要的检查,以明确能否进行运动疗法。③运动项目因病情不同而异,病情轻者可进行较高强度的运动,病情重者进行较低强度的运动,合适的运动时间为餐后60~90min,运动前后应做好准备活动和整理活动,运动应遵循循序渐进的原则。结论:运动疗法是2型糖尿病的一种行之有效的治疗方法,并能预防、控制2型糖尿病的发生发展,在临床工作中应该得到足够的重视和普及。
OBJECTIVE: To summarize the research advances of exercise therapy for type 2 diabetes in recently.
DATA SOURCES: An online search of American Diabetes Association (http://www.diabetes.org/home.jsp) was undertaken to identify the relevant English articles dated from 2005 to 2007 by using the keywords of "Type 2 diabetes, Exercise therapy". Meanwhile, the China Journal Full-text Database was searched for the related Chinese articles published from January 2001 to December 2006 with the same keywords in Chinese. Then the relevant monograph from January 1995 to December 2006 was manually searched.
STUDY SELECTION: The articles about the exercise therapy for type 2 diabetes were selected according to the inclusive criteria: ①randomized controlled trials; ②experiments including control group that is the diet control plus medication group; ③the experimental group was given exercise therapy based on the diet control and medication. The repetitive paper and review articles were excluded.
DATA EXTRACTION: Among the 130 articles collected from the above-mentioned databases, 30 papers were included, and 5 repetitive and 2 Meta-analysis ones were excluded.
DATA SYNTHESIS: ①Moderate aerobic endurance exercise can accommodate the glucose metabolism and decrease the blood glucose, enhance insulin sensitivity, delay the emergence and development of diabetic complications, control the obesity and depress the blood lipid, and improve the body fitness. ②Exercise therapy is suitable for the patients with impaired glucose tolerance and well controlled blood glucose as well as patients without severe complications; Physical examination is necessary before exercise therapy to make sure whether the exercise therapy could be carried out or not.③The exercise event varies with the disease situation: mild cases could do exercise of higher intensity, and the severe cases should do the lower intensity exercise; the suitable time is 60-90 minutes after meal. Warming-up and -down exercise are necessary
Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research