为增强道路交通监控系统的实用性,实现交通监控信息的可视化处理。文中首先分析交通监控信息的特征和GIS技术在交通监控工程中的典型可视化应用,并结合交通监控工程应用系统的特点,在此基础上提出了一种以c#.net结合Arcgis Engine来实现交通监控信息可视化处理的解决方案。
To promote the practicality of the traffic monitoring system and to realize traffic information visible processing, this article analyzes the feature of traffic information and introduces visible processing methods on GIS technology. This article also introduces a solution used c#. net and Arcgis Engine to realize traffic monitoring information Visualizat ion.
Journal of Chengdu Electromechanical College