目的探讨腹阴联合式筋膜内子宫全切手术(Abdominovaginal intrafassial hysterectomy简称AVIH)临床意义。方法将106例非孕子宫肌瘤、子宫肌腺瘤、功能性子宫出血需行子宫切除的患者随机分为2组。①观察组:行腹阴联合式筋膜内子宫全切术56例。其中39例有前次剖宫产史,1例有子宫破裂史。②对照组按传统腹式子宫全切除术50例。结果2组膀胱、输尿管损伤及术后性生活有显著性差异,特别适合一些有盆腔手术史或盆腔重度粘连的病人;手术时间、术中出血、术后肛门排气时间及住院时间均无显著性差异。
Objective To discuss the clinical significance of abdominovaginal intrafassial hysterectomy. Methods Because of the finance and disease. This operation can't use Laparoscopy. So AVIH is better for the 56 case. In fact, AVIH was composed of normal subtotal hysterectomy and laparoscopy assisted-intrafassial vaginal Hysterectomy.(CASH) the way of trmove cervic when made normal intrafassial hysterectomy replace with the semm's Cervical cutter. Results The AVIH diminish ditficuit hysterectomy It don't ndde to Left bladdet, to cut cardinal and Saral ligament Avoid to injury bladder and ureters especily for having opration history and ditficuit adhesion of pelvic. This operation keep normal vaginal anatomy. The opst-operation recovery more quickly Sesual intercourse leek usually The patients receive easily Because neuron of bladder and ureters were injuride mile. SO none patient had urinary complication. AVIH could prevent the cervical carcinoma and prolapse. Conclusions Nowday This operatoion is better Hysterectomy. To name Abdoninovaginal intrafassiai hysterectomy(AVIH)
Hainan Medical Journal
Abdomen and vagina
Intrafassia hysterectomy