从格林函数出发把Stark效应及Zeeman效应中的氢原子系统映射成为四维各向异性非简谐振子.利用复合场(Multi-component Field)对称因子(Symmetry Factor)方法及费曼图计算了基态能级的四阶微扰展开.计算了二阶和四阶真空圈图(Vacuum Diagram)的O(N)对称因子.通过引入复合φ2场张量把对称因子推广到复合φ4×φ2的耦合情况.提出φ4理论可以成为研究库仑系统问题的新方法.
The hydrogen atom in the Stark effect and Zeeman effect is mapped into the four -dimensional anisotropican harmonic oscillator by the Green function. The Symmetry Factor of four loops Vacuum Diagram is given. The tensor of Multicomponent Ф^4 field is introduced to calculate the new case of Multicomponent Ф^4 × Ф^2 field in the Zeeman effect. The four - order perturbation expansion of the ground state is studied by the mean of Multi- component Field Symmetry Factor and Feynman Diagram. It is suggested that the Ф^4 - theory can be the new tool for the study of Coulomb system.
Journal of South China Normal University(Natural Science Edition)