Objective:To find out the factors which influence the sanitary quality of the cold dishes to provide reference to control and prevent the food born diseases. Methods:Adopts PEMS3. 1 statistics package, to carry on analysis to the detection result of the sampling and random samples of different quarter and different year. Results:From 2003 to 2005, 615 samples were detected, the total qualified rate was 43. 74%, there were 315 disease germs to be inspected in its, and nothing was detected. From 2003 to 2005, the qualified rate of sampling was 56. 63% ; and the qualified rate of random inspected samples was 37. 71%. From high to low the qualified rate of different quarters in proper order were: the fourth quarter was 55%, the first quarter was 47. 06% , the second quarter was 45. 08% , and the third quarter was 38.06%. Conclusion:From 2003 to 2005, the cold dishes of the hotel and restaurant was in low qualified rate. The qualified rate of sampling from 2003 to 2005 was significant different with the random samples inspected from 2003 to 2005 ; the disqualification of cold dishes mainly was because of the pollution of the coli - form group; and the qualified rate wasn't improved in 3 years; the future key point is to supervise and monitor the cold dishes of the hotel and restaurant. Qualified training, powerful supervision, effectively control the whole process, strengthening sterilization management of the cold dishes room.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology
Cold dishes
Qualified rate
Food pollution