
冷型小麦磷素吸收积累特性的研究 被引量:6

Studies of phosphorus uptake and accumulation of cold type wheat
摘要 2002至2004年,通过田间小区试验,研究了4种施肥条件下(不施肥、单施磷肥、单施氮肥和氮磷配施)冷型小麦的磷素吸收积累特性。结果表明,与暖型小麦相比,冷型小麦开花前功能叶片和穗部具有较高的磷素积累量;开花后的吸收积累量也较大,比暖型小麦高24.4%;成熟期冷型小麦子粒中磷素积累量在不施肥、单施磷肥、单施氮肥和氮磷配施条件下,分别比暖型小麦高6.3%、11.1%、18.5%和50.6%;植株磷素总积累量趋势与子粒一致。结果说明冷型小麦属于高效吸磷基因型,暖型小麦属于低效吸磷基因型;而且冷型小麦磷素积累量对氮、磷肥均有较高的响应度,属于高效高响应吸磷基因型。 Previous studies indicated that the canopy temperature was different among different wheat genotypes after anthesis. There were many reports about the physiological, anatomic and ecological characteristics of different wheat genotypes with lower and higher canopy temperature, but little about their nutritional traits. The objective of this study was to probe the P uptake and accumulation characteristics of genotypes with lower canopy temperature. Field experiments were conducted from 2002 to 2004 at the Agricultural Experimental Station of Northwest A & F University, Yangling, Shaanxi Province, China. It is a sub-humid area susceptible to drought. The genotypes (Xiaoyan 6 and Shaan 229) have lower canopy temperature and were named cold type wheat (CTW). NR9405 and 9430 have higher canopy temperature, so they belong to warm type wheat (WTW). Each genotype received four fertilizer treatments: CK (no fertilizer), P fertilization (P2O5 176.2 kg/ha), N fertilization (N 237.0 kg/ha ),and NP fertilization (P2O5 176.2 kg/ha plus N 237.0 kg/ha). The treatments (variety × fertilizer) used a factorial arrangement in a 4 × 4 randomized complete block design. Each treatment was replicated three times. The area of each plot was 2.1 m^2. The soil was classified as Eum-Orthic Anthrosol, equivalent to an Udic Haplustalf in the USDA system. The soil had the following characteristics : OM, 9.6 g/kg; total N, 1.1 g/kg; available N (NO3^- + NH4^+), 17.5 mg/kg; available P, 12.3 mg/kg and available K2O, 141.2 mg/kg. The results showed that there was no difference in P accumulation capability before anthesis of CTW and WTW, but the P accumulation in flag leaves and ears etc of CTW was higher than that of WTW. P uptake rate of CTW was 24.4 % higher than that of WTW during filling stage. P accumulate rate in grain of CTW was 6.3 %, 11.1%, 18.5 % and 50.6 % higher than those of WTW in the CK, P, N and NP treatments, respectively, at maturity stage. It is concluded that the CTW genotypes have
出处 《植物营养与肥料学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第6期1062-1067,共6页 Journal of Plant Nutrition and Fertilizers
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30470333) 05西北农林科技大学博士科研启动费项目资助
关键词 冷型小麦 施肥 磷素积累量 cold type wheat fertilization phosphorus accumulation amount
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