Visual Basic.NET是微软推出的目前最新的程序设计语言,它比Visual Basic6.0作了重大改变,从而支持多线程技术。为了阐明Visual Basic.net的多线程机制的结构、功能和用法,首先通过一个实例即用VB6.0和VB.net同时去计算一个循环的大体执行时间来引出并实践了VB.net的多线程机制,然后归纳总结了其机制和用法。证明VB.net的多线程机制可以解决一些VB6.0难以解决的问题,说明多线程技术的优点在于它不仅在系统中可以提高程序的并发度,而且在多线程编程时可以灵活地实现同一应用程序中的多模块并发执行,这在现代程序设计中非常重要。
Visual Basic. NET is the new programming language published by Microsoft Company Which have many changes that it now can use the multithreading mechanism. The paper expatiates on the structure , function and usage of the multithread mechanism. First , it uses an example such as using VB6.0 and VB. net to calculate the run time for a circulation to practice the mechanism. Second it summarizes and induces the mechanism and usage. Attesting for the multithread mechanism of VB. net can figure out some problem that VB6. 0 can't do and explaining the advantage of the technology is that it can not only boost intercurrent program but also can make many module to run flexible in an application are very important in modern program development.
Computer Development & Applications
multithread ,process ,. NET,multithread programming.