
混凝土十字形中柱的板柱连接抗震性能试验研究 被引量:1

Seismic response of interior slab-column connection with cross-shaped column
摘要 通过两个大比例十字形中柱的板柱连接试件(其中一个试件配置抗冲切锚栓),在竖向荷载和低周反复水平荷载作用下的试验,探讨了十字形中柱的板柱连接在模拟地震作用下的裂缝形态、破坏特征、混凝土以及钢筋的应变、滞回特性、位移延性等一系列受力特性。试验研究表明,十字形中柱的板柱连接与传统方形中柱的板柱连接受力性能类似,两个试件的极限侧移比都远超过了1.5%的侧移比限值要求,因此在板柱结构中引入十字形柱是可行的;配置抗冲切锚栓可以显著地提高板柱连接的承载能力和延性。此外,根据试验给出了十字形中柱的冲切临界面形式,并提出了其类似极惯性矩的计算公式,从而使十字形中柱的板柱连接可以应用现行规范的方法进行承载力分析计算,采用该方法的分析结果与试验结果符合较好。 In order to study cracking behavior, failure mode, concrete strain, steel strain, as well as the seismic behavior of hysteresis loops and displacement ductility, large-scale interior slab-column connections with cross-shaped columns were tested under combined gravity and cyclic lateral loads. The two specimens were identical except that one contained shear-stud reinforcement. Test results revealed that the seismic behavior of interior slab-column connection with cross-shaped column is similar to that of conventional interior slab-column connection with square column, the ultimate drift ratios of the two specimens are all well above 1.5 %, thus it is feasible to use cross-shaped column in flat slab structures. The results also confirmed the effectiveness of shear-stud reinforcement in increasing the shear strength and ductility of this kind of connection. The critical section of punching shear for interior cross-shaped column and the equation for the analogous to polar moment of inertia are suggested, thus the Code procedure can be used to analyze the slab-column connection with cross-shaped column, which is justified by results of tests.
出处 《建筑结构学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期89-95,共7页 Journal of Building Structures
关键词 钢筋混凝土 十字形柱 板柱连接 试验 抗震性能 reinforced concrete cross-shaped column slab-column connection tests seismic behavior
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