随着Web服务技术的不断发展和广泛应用,需要运用新的测试技术来保障Web服务的正确有效运行,而测试例的生成是Web服务测试的一项重要内容,它将直接关系到Web服务测试的效率和成本。基于Web服务的WSDL文档,根据输入域中子集间相互关系,利用分类树的方法(Classification Tree Method),提出Web服务测试例的一种自动生成方法,据此达到最少的数量最大限度地进行覆盖的目的,并结合具体的实例,使用CTE测试工具增强测试的自动化程度,从而提高软件测试的效率和软件的质量。
With the development of technology, Web services (WS) is applied extensively and new testing technology is needed to make WS highly reliable and run effectively. Test case generation is an important topic in Web services testing. The quality of test case will influence the efficiency and cost during Web services testing. Based on the WSDL document for Web services, according to relationship of input domain subset and using classification tree method, presents a method of automated test case generation for Web services. Therefore, it is able to cover all the combinations of subsets to the greatest degree with the smallest scale of test suite. Combining the example, applying test tool (CTE),automatization degree of software test was built up, and accordingly, the efficiency of software and the quality of software were largely enhanced.
Computer Technology and Development